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Jackie Dabrowski (Director)

(Ph.D., Pr.Sci.Nat. Aquatic Science)


Tel: +27 83 256 3159

Jackie Dabrowski returned to South Africa after living and working in the United Kingdom and New Zealand to complete her tertiary studies in aquatic science. Having completed her Ph.D. at the University of Pretoria, she embarked on a career in research at the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR). As a senior researcher in the Water Ecosystem and Human Health group, Jackie led research projects, developed junior staff, published scientific and popular literature, and secured research funding. Jackie’s work covered a diverse array of topics within the field of aquatic ecology including food webs, water quality, limnology, drought and fish health. With development and personal growth in mind, Jackie started Confluent Environmental (Pty) Ltd in 2016.  This venture provides consulting and research services with a primary focus on aquatic ecology, but allows the flexibility for Jackie to pursue other fields of biological science, for example using dung beetles to improve the rehabilitation of coal mines. These days Jackie is frequently found knee-deep in a river attempting to unravel the complexities of aquatic ecosystems – her favourite place.

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James Dabrowski (Director)

(Ph.D., Pr.Sci.Nat. Water Resources)


Tel: +27 83 557 5688

James Dabrowski holds a PhD from the University of Cape Town and was previously employed as a Specialist Scientist by the Department of Water and Sanitation and as a Principal Researcher by the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR), where he was employed for 10 years. His research has focussed on aquatic ecology, aquatic ecotoxicology, water quality and ecological risk assessment. In particular James has spent a considerable proportion of his career in assessing the impacts of pesticides in the aquatic environment and is currently leading research projects aimed at improving the environmental management and regulation of pesticides in South Africa. Throughout his research career he has built up considerable experience in the field of GIS and catchment scale modelling. James is an NRF rated researcher, has published almost 30 papers in local and international scientific journals and is associate editor for the Bulletin of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry. He is currently an Associate of the Freshwater Research Centre (FRC) and a Research Associate at Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University.

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Bianke Fouché (Botanist)

(M.Sc., Cand.Sci.Nat. – Botanical Science)


Tel: +27 78 646 4886

Bianke Fouché grew up in Kimberley and Bloemfontein, where she frequently disappeared into the savanna and bush whenever she had the chance. The love for ‘all things nature’ led Bianke to pursue a BSc degree in Environmental Science at Nelson Mandela University (NMU) in 2017. She completed her Honours degree in Botany at NMU during 2020. It was during these two degrees that Bianke’s interest and fascination with botany, restoration, and conservation ecology took deep root. In May 2021, Bianke was offered an internship at the Grootbos Foundation. During her time at Grootbos, Bianke had the privilege of working with a vibrant and diverse conservation team. In May and October 2021, Bianke also had the opportunity to participate in controlled fynbos fires in the Overstrand. By the end of 2021, she was accepted into the Conservation Biology MSc course for 2022/23 at UCT. The MSc coursework and thesis helped to hone her skills and confidence within the ecological and botanical spheres. Her thesis title is “Testing Alternative Stable State theory at Afromontane and Milkwood forest-fynbos ecotones” (Supervisor: Prof. Michael D. Cramer). Bianke can most likely be found out in nature crouching over a plant, uploading photos to iNaturalist, or reading a book..

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Sonia Jordaan (Water Use Assessment Practitioner)

(M.Sc. – Water and Environmental Management)


Tel: +27 73 639 9797

Sonia Jordaan started a career in the engineering field in the petro-chemical process industry.  She has always been interested in chemical plant operations and manufacturing and has a passion to protect nature and animals.  This led to her career evolving into the environmental field.  Being exposed to a wide range of chemical plant operations at Sasol in South Africa, she got involved with environmental objectives of the factory to try and improve air pollution emissions and minimising the impact it has on humans.  This prompted ISO9000 and ISO14000 courses, gaining experience in the water treatment through the bio works of the plant and ultimately looking at air pollution control of the plant.  From here she moved to the United Kingdom, working at Shell in the logistics department for oil drilling projects in Africa.  It is then that she decided to further her career in the environmental field to try and combine the love for nature and animals with manufacturing operations.  She enrolled at Bristol University for her MSc in Water and Environmental Management.  During her post-graduate studies, the field trips became her first and foremost favourite part.  Exploring different ecosystems in the English countryside, experiencing farming practises and conservation strategies, but also visiting operating plants such as wastewater treatment works, manufacturing factories, tanneries and investigating civil engineering designs, was her favourite past times.  The wide variety of work environments, combined with the interest in protecting the environment while ensuring sustainable use of manufactured products, lead to her decision to do her thesis to obtain her MSc in Waste Management: Plastic Recycling.  Back in South Africa she underwent training in water governance as it relates to the National Water Act and currently manages and submits Water Use License Applications (WULAs) and General Authorisations (GAs) for industrial, agricultural and urban developments.

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Monica Leitner (Faunal Specialist)

(M.Sc., Cand.Sci.Nat. – Zoological Science)



Monica Leitner grew up on conservation areas in the North West Province living a truly wild life. Being involved in everything from vegetation surveys to wildlife reintroductions, she considers herself an ecologist from childhood and has a fascination for all things wild and wonderful. She studied at the University of Pretoria and obtained her BSc Environmental Sciences (2011), BSc Honours Zoology (2012) and MSc Zoology (2015) degrees. Her postgraduate research investigated patterns in invertebrate diversity and the dynamics of nutrient cycling across a range of savanna landscapes in South Africa (Kruger National Park, Marakele National Park, Madikwe Game Reserve and Molopo Nature Reserve). Monica’s career path since her studies reflects her broad interests in ecology and fauna, with her spending 5 years coordinating a diverse set of research projects at the University of Pretoria: invertebrate diversity along an altitudinal gradient (Drakensberg), invertebrates and ecosystem functioning in a savanna context (Hoedspruit) and marine mammal population dynamics in the sub-Antarctic (Marion Island). She also spent two years as an overwintering expeditioner on Marion Island (halfway between Cape Town and Antarctica) in her roles as an Environmental Conservation Officer (2018/19, Department of Environmental Affairs) and most recently a Marine Mammal Field Assistant (2022/23, Marion Island Marine Mammal Programme, University of Pretoria). On Marion Island she conducted alien plant control measures, implemented environmental policy compliance and field work for long-term research on seabirds (albatross and petrels), seals (fur seals and elephant seals) and killer whales. These days Monica can be found birding, hiking, whale watching or looking up some critter in a field guide.

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